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Customer information for the conclusion of distance contracts

and further information on electronic contract conclusion

A. Customer information for the conclusion of distance contracts


The following information serves to fulfill our legal obligation to provide information on distance contracts and in electronic commerce.


Our General Terms and Conditions (GTC) can be found under the following link:


You will receive all information in text form at the latest upon delivery of the goods. You can also print out this information or save it on your hard drive.

1. Identity of Provider


You conclude distance contracts with


Trinkunaite-Stoniene Egle, Baniene Osvalda GbR

Stone & Bane Flowers

Rat-Scholz-Str. 7

63768 Hösbach


Phone: +49 179 4279705

VAT ID number: DE350489140

2. Conclusion of contract


(1) The customer can select products from the range and collect them in a so-called shopping cart using the "Add to shopping cart" button. By clicking on the "Order with costs" button, you make a binding offer to us to purchase the goods in the shopping cart. Before sending the order, the customer can change and view the data at any time. The seller then sends the customer an automatic order confirmation by e-mail, in which the order is listed and which can be printed out using the "Print" function. The order confirmation does not yet represent a binding acceptance of the order. When paying by credit card, debit card, Apple Pay, the purchase contract only comes into effect when a separate e-mail is sent with an order confirmation, a request for payment   or the delivery of the goods conditions. When paying by Sofortüberweisung, Giropay or PayPal, the contract is already concluded with the payment instruction by the customer.


(2) The text of the contract is saved by the seller and sent to the customer by e-mail after the conclusion of the contract together with the legally effective general terms and conditions.


For more information see our Conditions.


3. Delivery (dispatch or provision)


(1) The delivery period for deliveries within Germany is specified on the respective offer page. The beginning of the delivery period is determined (depending on the selected payment method) according to paragraphs 2 to 4.


(2) When paying by Giropay, PayPal, Sofortüberweisung, the delivery period begins one day after the payment order has been issued. For all other payment methods, the period begins one day after the order.


(3) The following delivery times apply to deliveries outside of Germany:

Belgium: 2 business days
Bulgaria: 6-8 value days

Denmark: 2-3 business days
Estonia: 3-4 business days
Finland: 3-4 business days

France: 3 working days
Greece: 6-8 business days

UK: 2-3 business days

Ireland: 3 - 4 business days
Italy: 3 working days
Croatia: 2-3 business days
Latvia: 3-4 business days

Liechtenstein: 4-5 working days
Lithuania: 3-4 business days

Luxembourg: 2-3 business days
Malta: 5-9 business days
Netherlands: 2-3 business days
Norway: 7-8 business days

Austria: 2 working days

Poland: 2-3 business days
Portugal: 9 business days

Romania: 6-10 business days
Sweden: 3-4 business days

Switzerland: 3-4 working days
Slovakia: 3-4 business days
Slovenia: 4 business days
Spain: 4-5 business days

Czech Republic: 2-3 business days
Hungary: 4 business days


(4) If the start or end of the period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday, the start or end of the period is shifted to the following working day.


(5) If digital products (§ 327 Para. 1 BGB) have to be provided, the aforementioned information on delivery applies accordingly for the period up to the provision.


(6) Deliveries are made exclusively to the in theShippingspecified countries as well as under the in the / theShippingspecified restrictions or specified delivery methods.


(7) The delivery is subject to proper self-delivery.



4. Purchase price and shipping costs


(1) The prices given are total prices in euros and include the statutory sales tax. Temporary special offers or discounts are shown as such in the context of the presentation of the individual goods on our website.


(2) We invoice our delivery and shipping costs in addition to the total prices stated for the respective goods. The respective shipping costs can be found in our/ourShipping costs overview/delivery restrictions.


(3) Otherwise, the customer does not incur any additional costs when ordering by using the means of long-distance communication.


Further information on prices and shipping can be found in our terms and conditions under the following link:

5. Payment Arrangements


(1) Customers can pay the purchase price by immediate transfer, credit card,   Giropay, Apple Pay, PayPal.

You can find more information about the payment methods in our Conditions as well as below payment options.

6. Right of cancellation for consumers and model cancellation form


a) Right of withdrawal for consumers for distance contracts/contracts concluded in the online shop


Consumers - i.e. any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes that cannot be attributed primarily to their commercial or self-employed professional activity - can revoke their contractual declaration in the case of contracts in which the consumer undertakes to pay a price under the following conditions:

Right of withdrawal


right of withdrawal


You have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason.


The cancellation period is fourteen days from the day on which you or a third party named by you who is not the carrier took possession of the last goods.


In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us of Trinkunaite-Stoniene Egle, Baniene Osvalda GbR, Stone&Bane Flowers, Rat-Scholz-Str 7, 63768 Hösbach, E-mail:, Tel: +49 179 4279705


  by means of a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail) of your decision to withdraw from this contract. You can

use the attached model cancellation form, which is not mandatory.


To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send the communication regarding your exercise of the right of cancellation before the cancellation period has expired.


Consequences of revocation


If you revoke this contract, we have paid you all payments that we have received from you, including the delivery costs (with the exception of the additional costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a different type of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us have), immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which we received the notification of your cancellation of this contract. For this repayment, we use the same means of payment that you used in the original transaction, unless something else was expressly agreed with you; under no circumstances will you be charged fees for this repayment.


We may refuse repayment until we have received the returned goods or until you have provided proof that you have returned the goods, whichever is earlier.


You must return the goods to us or hand them over to us immediately and in any case no later than fourteen days from the day on which you inform us of the cancellation of this contract. The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period of fourteen days has expired.


You bear the direct costs of returning the goods.


You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

b) Sample cancellation form

Sample cancellation form

(If you want to revoke the contract, please fill out this form and send it back.)


- To Trinkunaite-Stoniene Egle, Baniene Osvalda GbR, Stone&Bane Flowers, Rat-Scholz-Str 7, 63768 Hösbach, E-mail:, Tel: +49 179 4279705

- I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*)/ the provision of the following service (*)

- Ordered on (*)/received on (*)

- Name of consumer(s)

- Address of the consumer(s)

- Signature of the consumer(s) (only if notification is made on paper)

- Date
(*) Delete where not applicable.

7. Warranty Terms


The customer is entitled to a statutory warranty right, which according to §§ 8, 9 of theConditionsis modified. For digital products (§ 327 Para. 1 and Para. 5 BGB) and goods with digital elements (§ 327a Para. 3 BGB), the consumer has the statutory warranty right without the modification of § 8 but with the modification of § 9 of the General Terms and Conditions .


For more details on the warranty, see ourConditions.

B. Further customer information on electronic contract conclusion


The following information does not constitute contractual terms. Our terms and conditions can be found under the following link:

1. How does the online contract conclusion with us work?


If you have found a product in our web shop that meets your requirements, you can specify the number and click on the "Add to cart" button.


The article is then placed in your shopping cart and the contents of the shopping cart are displayed in an overview. In this shopping cart overview you can enter the desired quantity of the respective article or remove the article from the shopping cart.


By clicking the "Checkout" button, you can immediately start the ordering process for the items in the shopping cart.


After pressing the "Checkout" button, a page opens where you can either activate the customer data you already have with us or order as a guest without creating a customer account.


As part of the order process, you must specify the delivery address, possibly a different billing address, delivery method and payment method. You get to the next step by clicking on the "Next" button.


You can also see our cancellation policy and our general terms and conditions here.


Read the cancellation policy and the general terms and conditions carefully and then confirm the input fields "I have taken note of the right of cancellation and the model cancellation form" and "I agree to the validity of the general terms and conditions" by ticking the appropriate box Input box. You can only continue with the order if you confirm that you have taken note of the right of withdrawal and accept the validity of the General Terms and Conditions.


Please check all information carefully. You can correct your details at any time before you click on the "Order with costs" button. Click on the "Order with costs" button to complete the entire ordering process.


We will immediately confirm receipt of your order by email.


Further information is also contained in ourConditions

2. Storage of the text of the contract and access for the customer


We save your order data and send it to you by e-mail in the confirmation of receipt. You will receive our terms and conditions by email at the latest after the contract has been concluded.

3. Input error


You can correct your entries at any time during the ordering process by using the correction functions. You can also edit the data entered during the ordering process using the "back" function of your internet browser. You can cancel the entire ordering process at any time by closing your internet browser.


Before completing the order, you can check and correct the data you have entered on the last page of the ordering process.


4. Contract Language


You have the option of concluding contracts with us in German.

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